EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Work Type: Add Lane
Phase: Design
Length: 8 miles
Letting: 06/13/2025

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is proposing improvements along two sections of Interstate 75 (I-75) in Sumter and Marion counties. This project is on I-75 from State Road (S.R.) 200 to S.R. 326.  The other section is from S.R. 44 to S.R. 200 (FPID No. 452074-2).

The project plans to add auxiliary lanes between interchanges and make operational improvements at several interchanges. The design concepts were developed through a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study. The study evaluated alternatives to help reduce congestion and improve reliability on I-75.  The PD&E Study from S.R. 200 to S.R. 326 (FPID: 452074-1) was completed in April 2024. The final PD&E Study documents are provided below.

The Moving Florida Forward Infrastructure Initiative (www.fdot.gov/movingfloridaforward) is allowing FDOT to advance the much-needed improvements, with construction anticipated to begin in spring 2025.

Please check this website regularly for updates.  Project documents, meeting announcements, and other important information will be uploaded as it becomes available.

Visit FPID 452074-2, I-75 Improvements from south of S.R. 44 to S.R. 200.

Traffic Data for design-build teams can be found here.

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Contact Information
Design Project Manager
Ed Kestory
(386) 943-5141
Design Project Manager
Andy Healy
(919) 357-3596
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