450973-1 US 17-92 from St Johns River Bridge to north of Saxon Blvd
Project Details
Estimated Costs
Construction Cost: | $11.5 Million |
This is a maintenance resurfacing project on U.S. 17-92 (Charles Richard Beall Boulevard) from the St. Johns River Bridge to north of Saxon Boulevard. As part of the project, travel lanes will be slightly narrowed to provide a continuous 4-foot-wide paved shoulder on both sides of the road. The project will also include pedestrian curb ramp updates as needed to comply with current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.
Get Involved
The FDOT will hold a project open house on Thursday, March 13, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Gateway Center of the Arts, 880 N. U.S. Highway 17-92, DeBary, FL 32713. To provide additional flexibility to participate, the following online options are available:
- Join an online webinar at 5:30 p.m. to watch a project presentation and submit written questions or comments using the webinar questions box. To attend using this option, register at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3143871425618868823. Please make sure to provide adequate time to log in to view the presentation in its entirety.
- Visit this web page at your convenience to watch the project presentation, view project exhibits, and submit comments and questions directly to the project manager. Project materials will be available beginning Thursday, March 13, and will be the same as what will be shared at the in-person open house. While the information will remain on the website throughout the project, please provide comments or questions by March 24, 2025, to have the comments included in the open house record.
Contact Information
Design Project Manager |
Shelley ChinQuee
(386) 943-5439