EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Work Type: Safety Project
Phase: Design
Length: 0.826 miles
Estimated Costs
Construction Cost: $2.8 Million

This project proposed operational and safety improvements along Woodland Boulevard (U.S. 17-92) from Plymouth Avenue to International Speedway Boulevard (U.S. 92) in DeLand.  The recommended improvements are intended to help enhance safety for drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists who use this busy commercial corridor. 

Recommended pedestrian safety improvements include construction of three midblock crossings equipped with pedestrian activated signals known as Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHBs), which display a red light to stop traffic and allow the pedestrian to cross. The new crossings are planned just south of Washington Avenue, north of East Parkdale Avenue and north of East South Street. More information about PHBs can be found by going to www.alerttodayflorida.com

For driver safety, the project proposes to close the existing median openings at Woodmont Road, Washington Avenue, Tangerine Avenue/East Parkdale Avenue, Mandarin Avenue, and Lake Gertie Road/East South Street. Bi-directional medians are planned at North Boulevard Court/North Kensington Road and East Kentucky Avenue, and a directional median is planned at North Street. The median changes will restrict left turns from some side streets and driveways onto Woodland Boulevard, which reduces the chances of a serious angle crash.

Upgrades to existing crosswalks and pedestrian curb ramps are included. Some modifications to existing driveways are anticipated and will be coordinated with property owners. The corridor will also be repaved.

This project is not yet funded for construction.


Contact Information
Design Project Manager
Ty Garner
(386) 943-5299
For Media Inquiries Only
Project Files