EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Work Type: Resurfacing
Phase: Construction
Length: 2.37 miles
Construction Cost: $12.7 Million

The purpose of the project is to repave Mason Avenue (State Road (S.R.) 430) from Clyde Morris Boulevard to east of Beach Street and to implement safety enhancements along the corridor. The design will incorporate some recommendations developed during the Mason Avenue Corridor Planning Study (work performed under FPID 446756-1). The purpose of planning study was to evaluate near-term and longer-term improvements to enhance multimodal safety, operations, and connectivity for all modes of travel.

Improvements include adding four new raised midblock crossings equipped with Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHBs), upgrading existing crosswalks, and adding sidewalk on the north side of Mason Avenue. 

Contact Information
Communications Team
Debbie Cople
(386) 740-3566
Lane Closures
  • There are no lane closures at this time.
Project Files