447724-1 Truck and Freight Alternative Site Analysis
Project Details
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is conducting a truck and freight parking Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study along the Interstate 4 (I-4) corridor in Osceola, Orange, Seminole, and Volusia counties. The purpose of this project is to provide needed truck parking facilities to serve regional freight parking demand within or near the I-4 corridor to address safety and mobility. The PD&E Study is being conducted to identify, evaluate, and recommend viable truck and freight parking sites along or near the 75-mile I-4 corridor across these four counties. The PD&E Study involves engineering analysis, environmental evaluations, and public engagement to evaluate the potential effects of the proposed improvements and to identify the location and conceptual design of the Preferred Alternative for further refinement in the design phase.
Public meetings were held in each county in the spring of 2022 to introduce the project and receive input on the site locations being evaluated. Additional public meetings were held in each county in the summer 2022 to receive input on the alternatives considered and present the preferred site alternatives. During this PD&E Study, five recommended truck parking sites have been identified for advancement, including one recommended site in Osceola, Orange, and Seminole counties and two recommended sites in Volusia County (one eastbound, one westbound).
The PD&E Study for the Orange County site is ongoing with an anticipated completion in Spring 2025. The PD&E Study was approved for the Osceola County site and the two Volusia County sites in August 2024. Approval for the Seminole County site re-evaluation was received in August 2024. The four approved sites are in a concurrent design phase under the following Financial Project Identification (FPID) numbers: Seminole County (FPID: 446445-1), Eastbound Volusia County (FPID: 446445-2), Westbound Volusia County (FPID: 446445-4), and Osceola County (FPID:446445-5). The PD&E Study documents for these sites are listed in the Project Files and more information is available from the “Goes With” links below corresponding with the FPID numbers.
Contact Information
PD&E Project Manager |
Mark Trebitz
(386) 943-5157