EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Work Type: Safety Project
Phase: Construction
Length: 1.481 miles
Construction Cost: $9.2 Million
Project Start: Spring 2024
Est. Completion: Fall 2025

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is implementing safety improvements and resurfacing the roadway along Granada Boulevard (State Road (S.R.) 40) from U.S. 1 to S.R. A1A (Ocean Shore Boulevard/South Atlantic Avenue), with the exception of the bridge over the Halifax River in Ormond Beach.

In addition to repaving this segment of S.R. 40, the travel lanes along this segment of Granada Boulevard will
be slightly narrowed to ten feet and subtle changes in the roadway alignment will be introduced to encourage slower driving speeds. Pedestrian safety improvements include a new mid-block pedestrian crossing between Vining Court and Bovard Avenue. Upgrades will also be made to existing crossings at Washington Street and west of Beach Street.

The mid-block crossings located west of Beach Street and located between Vining Court and Bovard Avenue will be slightly elevated to be level with the sidewalk and will include in-road lighting to further alert motorists of people crossing the roadway and encourage reduced speeds.

All three crossings will be equipped with a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) and overhead lighting to increase driver awareness and visibility of pedestrians. A PHB is an overhead traffic device that remains dark until a pedestrian activates the beacon, signaling for drivers to come to a stop and for pedestrians to cross. Audible pedestrian signals and detectible warning pads will also be installed at each crossing to provide accessibility for the visually impaired.

To learn more about Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHB), including how to use them:

Intersection lighting will be upgraded, and new mast arm poles will be installed at the Ridgewood Avenue and S.R. A1A traffic signals. New bicycle lanes next to turn lanes, called keyholes, minor drainage improvements, median modifications, and a new directional median to reduce left-turn conflicts at Washington Street will also be included. Existing sidewalks and on-street parking will remain.

Contact Information
Communications Team
Debbie Cople
(386) 740-3566
Chinchor Electric, Inc.
Lane Closures
  • Sunday, March 23, through Thursday, March 27, from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., motorists can expect intermittent inside and outside single lane closures on eastbound and westbound Granada Boulevard (S.R. 40) from S.R. A1A to S.R. 5. The work includes retrofit lighting, concrete removal, directional drilling, and the installation of conduit and splice boxes.

Project Files
Project Images
PHB - Drivers, see this? Do This!
PHB - Pedestrians, see this? Do This!