EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Work Type: Safety Project
Phase: Construction
Length: 0.992 miles
Construction Cost: $3.8 Million
Project Start: Fall 2024
Est. Completion: Summer 2025

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is resurfacing Conway Road (State Road (S.R.) 15) from Devonshire Lane to Lake Underhill Road in Orlando. In addition to repaving the travel lanes, the project will add pedestrian safety improvements and protected bike lanes. The protected bike lanes have 3-foot buffers between bicyclists and the vehicle travel lanes, while maintaining access to existing side streets. The existing crosswalk near Hargill Drive will be moved north of Hargill Drive, with a median to provide a pedestrian refuge. A Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) will be installed to alert motorists to pedestrians within the crosswalk. Similarly, another crosswalk with a pedestrian refuge will be constructed at Rockledge Road.

To learn more about Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), including how to use them:

To learn more about Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHB), including how to use them:

Contact Information
Communications Team
Annabelle Bruzos Vega
(321) 319-8130
Lane Closures
  • Sunday, March 9 through Thursday, March 13 from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.: Motorists should expect alternating eastbound and westbound outside single-lane closures at the S.R. 15 and Lake Underhill Road intersection for sidewalk and concrete work. FDOT encourages all roadway users to drive, walk, and ride with caution and courtesy.

  • Motorists are advised a continuous lane closure will be implemented on the eastbound State Road (S.R.) 408 off ramp (Exit 13) to South Conway Road (S.R.15) starting as early as Friday, March 7. The closure is expected to remain in place through April 2025. Eastbound traffic from S.R. 408 will shift to the left lane of the off-ramp to allow crews to work on sidewalk and drainage at the northwest corner of the Lake Underhill Road and Conway Road intersection.

  • Important Update: The center turn lane is temporarily being used as the Southbound Through Lane beginning Jan. 27th

    What you need to do:

    ·        Stay Alert: Watch for new signs and road markings.

    ·        Follow Directions: Follow all posted traffic signs and be cautious for workers on-site.

    ·        Drivers are advised to reduce speed and use their turn signal to advise other motorists and road users of their intent to turn and turn once it is safe to do so.

    ·        FDOT encourages all roadway users to drive, walk and ride with caution and courtesy! 

Project Files
Project Images
PHB - Drivers, see this? Do This!
PHB - Pedestrians, see this? Do This!
RRFB - Pedestrians, see this? Do This!
RRFB - Drivers, see this? Do This!