EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Work Type: Safety Project
Phase: Design
Length: 0.02 miles
Design Cost: $546,000
Letting: 02/24/2027
Estimated Costs
ROW Cost: $2.8 Million
Construction Cost: $1.5 Million

The purpose of the project is to improve the intersections of Silver Star Road (State Road 438) with Kingsland Avenue, Ashland Boulevard and Orlando West Drive in the Pine Hills community of Orlando.

Planned project improvements include reconstructing the signal and pedestrian facilities at the Kingsland Avenue intersection, adding bi-directional medians and new pedestrian activated signals at the Orlando West Drive intersection, and upgrading the traffic signals at Ashland Boulevard/Willow Bend. Upgrades to the existing lighting are planned, and additional signage will be installed to increase pedestrian safety at both intersections.

This project will require additional right of way for the improvements.  Acquisition is expected to begin in fall 2025.


Contact Information
Design Project Manager
Derek Dean
(386) 943-5161
Design Firm
Stanley Consultants, Inc.
Project Files