EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Work Type: Resurfacing
Phase: Construction
Length: 0.963 miles
Construction Cost: $2.4 Million
Project Start: Early 2024
Est. Completion: Early 2025

The project aims to repave a segment of Fairbanks Avenue (State Road 426) from east of Edgewater Drive (State Road 424) to west of Interstate 4 (I-4), extending the roadway’s lifespan. Planned pedestrian safety improvements include upgraded crosswalks, reconstructed sidewalk curb ramps and pedestrian signals, and new sidewalk installation at the Wymore Road intersection. A Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) will also be installed near Killarney Elementary School at the east end of the corridor. Additional work involves traffic signal upgrades and necessary drainage modifications.

Fairbanks Avenue within the project limits provides two travel lanes in each direction with a center, two-way left turn lane along most of the corridor. No changes to the lane configuration are planned.

To learn more about Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), including how to use them:

Contact Information
Ranger Construction Industries, Inc.
Communications Team
Ryan Yglesias
(407) 278-2713
For Media Inquiries Only
Lane Closures
  • There are no lane closures at this time.
Project Files
Project Images
RRFB - Pedestrians, see this? Do This!
RRFB - Drivers, see this? Do This!