EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Work Type: Widening
Phase: Design
Length: 1.827 miles
Letting: 05/20/2026
Estimated Costs
Construction Cost: $57 Million

The purpose of this project is to increase capacity along Ellis Road from west of John Rodes Boulevard to west of Wickham Road in Brevard County. The proposed plan will widen Ellis Road from two lanes to four lanes, providing two travel lanes in each direction separated by a raised median.

Six-foot-wide sidewalks are also proposed, as well as new traffic signals at the Ellis Road intersections with East Drive, Distribution Drive/Technology Drive.

The project is being completed through a partnership with Brevard County, the cities of Melbourne and West Melbourne, and the Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization (TPO). The Melbourne International Airport has also been involved with the project.

Early work under project number 426905-5 will include clearing and grubbing along the corridor to accommodate utility relocations.

Contact Information
Design Project Manager
Megan Owens
(386) 943-5140