EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Phase: Design
Length: 1.876 miles
Design Cost: $1.9 Million
Letting: 06/10/2026
Estimated Costs
ROW Cost: $5 Million
Construction Cost: $3.3 Million

This project is Phase IIIB of the South Lake Trail.  The project will construct approximately 1.8 miles of new multi-use trail extending from 2nd Street to Silver Eagle Road.     

Right of way acquisition is needed for this project and is underway. Acquisition is expected to finish by spring 2026.

Contact Information
Design Firm
Landis, Evans and Partners, Inc.
Design Project Manager
Shelley ChinQuee
(386) 943-5439
Project Files