410251-3 US 17 from south of Spring St to Lake Winona Road
Project Details
The purpose of this project is to increase capacity and enhance safety along U.S. 17/State Road (S.R.) 15 from south of Spring Street to Lake Winona Road. The project widens U.S. 17 from two lanes to four lanes to enhance mobility in the area. A new roundabout at the intersection of U.S. 17 and Spring Garden Avenue/Spring Garden Ranch Road is also being constructed to improve operations and safety.
This project also includes a multi-use trail from Spring Garden Avenue to Lake Winona Road and a new entrance into the Department of Forestry compound. This project is a portion of the overall project approved in the 2006 PD&E study to widen U.S. 17 to north of S.R. 40 (FPID No. 410251-1).
Another segment, project 410251-4, proposes to widen U.S. 17 from south of Winona Road to S.R. 40 and includes a new bridge over Deep Creek, as well as a wildlife crossing culvert.
Contact Information
Communications Team |
Debbie Cople
(386) 740-3566
Lane Closures
Beginning Monday Jan. 6, there will be detours for Spring Garden Avenue. The closure, located on the east end of Spring Garden Avenue, is needed for roadway resurfacing and to begin transitioning into work on the first half of the roundabout included in this project. No driveways will be impacted by this closure.
The planned detour routes are as follows:
- Motorists traveling south on Lake Winona Road wishing to travel to Spring Garden Avenue will continue south on Lake Winona Road, turn left on County Road (C.R.) 3 North, and turn left on Spring Garden Avenue.
- Motorists traveling south on U.S. 17 wishing to travel to Spring Garden Avenue will turn right on Lake Winona Road, turn left on C.R. 3 North, and turn left on Spring Garden Avenue.
- Motorists traveling north on U.S. 17 wishing to travel to Spring Garden Avenue will turn left on Lake Winona Road, turn left on C.R. 3 North, and turn left on Spring Garden Avenue.
- Motorists traveling west on Spring Garden Ranch Road wishing to travel to Spring Garden Avenue will turn right on U.S. 17, turn left on Lake Winona Road, turn left on C.R. 3 North, and turn left on Spring Garden Avenue.
- Motorists traveling north on Ponce De Leon Boulevard wishing to travel to Spring Garden Ranch Road will continue north on Ponce De Leon Boulevard, turn right on Lake Winona Road, turn right on U.S. 17, and turn left on Spring Garden Ranch Road.