EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

This project has been completed and is only available for historical reference.
Project Details
Work Type: Widening
Phase: Completed
Length: 1.302 miles
Construction Cost: $17.84 Million
Project Start: Summer 2019
Est. Completion: Spring 2022

This project involves 1.37 miles of improvements to State Road (S.R.) 46 from Orange Boulevard to Wayside Drive-Oregon Street.

The work under this contract consist of reconstruction, widening, milling and resurfacing, drainage improvements, curb and gutter, sidewalk, traffic signals, signing and pavement markings, lighting, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and utility construction on SR 46.



For the most up-to-date information and status on this project log onto http://www.wekivaparkway.com/project-7b.php

Contact Information
Masci General Contractor, Inc.
Communications Team
Mary Brooks
(407) 694-5505
Project Files