EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Work Type: Widening
Phase: Design
Length: 4.118 miles
Design Cost: $5 Million
Letting: 07/25/2029
Estimated Costs
Construction Cost: $133.7 Million

The project plans to widen the section of U.S. 41 from SW 110th Street to north of State Road (S.R.) 40 to increase capacity and improve operations. The project would provide two travel lanes in each direction separated by grassed medians with full or directional median openings at certain locations. Other improvements include paved shoulders and new sidewalk. 

Right of way acquisition was completed in early 2018. Construction is expected to begin fall 2029.

Contact Information
Design Firm
RS&H, Inc. (Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc.)
Design Project Manager
Kathleen Enot
(386) 943-5149
Project Files