EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Work Type: Widening
Phase: Construction
Length: 4.157 miles
Construction Cost: $45 Million
Project Start: Summer 2020
Est. Completion: Spring 2025

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is widening U.S. 441 from four to six lanes between Lake Ella Road and Avenida Central (at Griffin Avenue) in Lady Lake. Both northbound and southbound U.S. 441 will be expanded from two to three lanes.

Bicycle lanes and sidewalks will be added along the 4.157-mile length of the project. Additional work includes drainage improvements, signing and lighting upgrades, median access changes and new landscaping. A key milestone of this project was the removal of the U.S. 441 bridges over County Road (C.R.) 25.

The bridges will be replaced with a new at-grade intersection. C.R. 25 was reconfigured to connect with U.S. 441 on the east side of the highway via a signalized intersection and ends as a cul-de-sac on the west side of U.S. 441.


During construction, there will be both daytime and nighttime lane closures. Short-term road closures may also occur, if necessary. Electronic message boards and other signage will be used to alert traffic to any upcoming closures. Temporary pavement and temporary traffic signal detection will be used to maintain the safe and efficient flow of traffic throughout the project.

Signal timings will be adjusted slightly, so you may notice longer wait times. Road conditions during construction are short-term and will become less apparent as the project progresses. The contractor will maintain pedestrian access to sidewalks during construction using signed detours, channelizing devices, and/or temporary walkways and ramps, when appropriate. Access to businesses and residences will be maintained.

Contact Information
Southland Construction, Inc.
Communications Team
Joe Callahan
(352) 326-7744 / (352) 620-3020
For Media Inquiries Only
Lane Closures
  • There are no lane closures at this time.
Project Files