Frequently Asked Questions
Traffic Information:
How do I get timely and accurate traffic information before I leave home or when I am out and about?
Motorists can obtain around–the-clock, real-time traffic information by calling 511. Voice prompts will guide you through to the roadway(s) in which you are interested and supply information on traffic conditions as they truly are.
General Questions:
Why do I see so many barrels and cones in construction projects with no visible work in progress?
FDOT and its contractors place signs and other traffic control devices while work is being performed. However, frequently traffic control devices are left in place during non work hours to prevent injury to motorists who might attempt to drive in travel lanes not yet suitable for use.
In some instances the work performed is not visible to motorist, particularly when performed below grade level. Placing and removing traffic control devices is time consuming and could significantly increase the cost of construction projects.
What are the advantages of continuous raised medians?
Continuous raised medians with well-designed median openings are among the most important features for managing access to create a safe and efficient highway system. Raised medians prevent accidents caused by head-on and crossover traffic,, headlight glare and traffic turning left. Medians also provide a refuge for pedestrians crossing the highway.
Why are speed limits sometimes reduced in work zones?
FDOT often does not post a slower speed limit in work zones, but motorists are advised to slow down and proceed with caution whenever signs of road work are present. Motorist and worker safety depends on how well you drive.
What does it mean "where workers are present"? Florida Statutes provide for speeding fines to be doubled in work zones when workers are present. The phrase, where workers are present, applies to situations where workers are on or near the road while operating heavy equipment, acting as flag persons, and working with hand tools on the ground. Motorists are urged to exercise caution when entering a work zone since workers might be operating behind equipment and not clearly visible.
What do I do about my irrigation system, landscaping and fencing?
Property owners who have privately owned irrigation systems, ornamental landscaping, and/or fencing on the FDOT right of way may be required, at their own expense, to remove or relocate these items onto their property. Please contact this office to determine if you have any items that may require removal or relocation prior to road construction.
How will construction affect the access to and from my property?
The Department strives to maintain access to businesses and residences at all times. There are occasions when it is necessary to temporarily close a driveway to perform project related work. Whenever this is necessary, the project team makes every effort to coordinate with the property owner in advance to minimize impacts.
What kinds of impacts can I expect during construction?
The Department works hard to minimize all project related impacts, but you might experience one or more of the following during construction: Increased dust, Additional noise, Reduced speed limits, Temporary detours and/or lane closures, Temporary sidewalk closures and pedestrian detours, Heavy machinery and equipment moving in and around the construction zone, Flagmen directing motorists around construction activity, and Project personnel moving in and around the project area.
Why does construction take place during the day in some places and at night in other locations?
The development of the construction schedule is based on a number of different factors. Prior to construction, the project's Design Engineers review the impacts and look closely at the project area before determining how and when the work should be performed. In some instances, work is scheduled for daytime hours or nighttime hours only. In other instances, work is scheduled for both day and nighttime hours. The goal is to complete the work as quickly as possible, while minimizing impacts. Some factors that influence the work schedule include: Safety of workers and the public, Impacts on motorists through the work zone, and Impacts on area schools, hospitals, and more.
Will I be compensated for loss of business during construction?
The Department does not provide monetary compensation to businesses within the construction zone. We do, however, take measures to minimize any construction related impacts. FDOT strives to maintain access at all times and provide business operators with timely information about construction activities that might affect them.
What can I do to get safely through roadwork?
The following steps can be taken to make it easier to navigate through any construction zone: Give yourself a little extra time to reach your destination, Drive the posted speed limit – reduced speed limits are strictly enforced!, Obey all signs posted within the construction zone, Watch for electronic message boards – these provide timely traffic information, and Never walk in a construction zone.
Who can I contact if I have a question or concern about a construction project in my area?
The District Five Construction Department has a Public Information Team dedicated to serve you. Please feel free to contact the Public Information Coordinator in your area.
Tile VI Questions:
What is Title VI?
Title VI and Race, Color and National Origin Discrimination
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects people from discrimination based on race, color or national origin in programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. Title VI states that:
No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Question: How do I contact someone regarding a Title VI Discrimination Complaint?
Persons wishing to express their concerns relative to FDOT compliance with Title VI may do so by contacting the FDOT District Five Title VI Coordinator Melissa McKinney, 719 South Woodland Boulevard, Deland, Florida 32720; phone 386-943-5077; email or the FDOT State Title VI Coordinator, 605 Suwannee Street, Mail Station 65, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450; phone 850-414-4742; email All inquiries or complaints will be handled according to FDOT procedure and in a prompt and courteous manner.